Scams in Real Estate: Situations You Must Be Aware

Photo by Bruno Martins You can gain a lot from immersing in real estate industry. But you can also lose if you aren't careful of your transactions. Some people try to take advantage of others to increase their commission, boost their sale or attract clients. Different agents and realtors adhere to various scams in real estate. Whether you want to buy a house and lot for sale in Laguna or sell a condo in Makati, you must be aware of the situations rampant in the industry to avoid misfortunes. Changing Lender If you receive a letter about a transfer of your loan to a different financial institution, you must be alert especially if you didn't request a change of account. Verify the contents of the letter before you take any action. Read each line carefully to ensure the validity of the information on it. Double Sale The owner or agent handling the property closes a sale with a second buyer even if the first one already settled the payment. It can also be an act of negle...