Keeping a Happy and Healthy Home for Pets

Having a pet entails responsibility. You must think of its wants and needs to keep it happy and healthy. An environment is one thing that influences the mood and responses of pets. Unsatisfied animals are rowdy. They look for ways to flee and create a ruckus to attract the attention of their owners.

Owners adopt pets because they provide excitement at home. However, pets cannot be lively and ecstatic if they aren't comfortable. Consider these tips below to keep a happy and healthy home for your pets.

How to keep a happy and healthy home for pets

1. Decorating with the right furniture

As a pet owner, you must consider your family as well as your pet's needs when decorating. You may want something comfortable to sit on, but your pet may be allergic to the fibers on the couch. On top of that, they may leave strays of hair everywhere Surfaces and clothing can be covered in fur. Furniture encased in high-quality fabric, thick, canvas, or leather prevents hair from sticking. Besides finding a solution for their hair, you must also select material that will resist stains.

Unfortunately, you can't entirely protect home items from the characteristics of your pets. Cats, for instance, requires scratch posts. To prevent them from damaging surfaces, you must ensure there are enough vertical and horizontal scratch posts. You can also use double-sided tape to cover pieces of furniture. On the other hand, dogs like to sniff and lick. You can sprinkle cayenne pepper on anything you don't want them to mess up. You can also purchase non-toxic deterrents you can spray in parts of your home.

When buying furniture, choose those that keep their shape. Straight, rectilinear sofas and loveseats retain their original shape longer than most pieces. Don't forget to go for darker fabrics to conceal stain marks.

2. Avoiding houseplants

Some favorite houseplants used for decorating can poison your pet. Pets can be tempted to snack on their leaves especially when you aren't around. Animals who like to chew or graze are most susceptible to poisoning.

Azalea, aloe vera, English ivy, hydrangeas, poinsettia, and mistletoe contain compounds that may damage your cat's or dog's intestines or induce indigestion. Jade is also dangerous to dogs while lilies, carnations, daisies, and roses are harmful to cats. It refrains from placing these plants where your pets can reach them.

3. Dealing with litter and odors

Pets are fun to have around, but they smell. Therefore, you must be diligent in cleaning and maintaining your spaces. You may be immune to the smell, but guests and other people who aren't used to the odor will notice it. Use litter boxes to encourage your cats to dump their waste in the same area. Ensure that the container is deep to accommodate litter enough to cover their piling waste. That way, you contain the odor. You can line the bottom of the box with baking soda to help absorb the smell without repelling your cat from the using the tray. You can also sprinkle baking soda to carpets and rugs. The powder will sink in and absorb odors. You don't have to worry about the mess. The vacuum will suck everything.

If you have urine accidents, blot the mess instead of rubbing. Refrain from using detergents with ammonia. It has a "pee smell" that may encourage your pets to mark the area. Use cleaners that will break down and neutralize uric acid as necessary cleaners will only mask the smell temporarily.

4. Minimizing the stress

Your furry animal can get lonely when left indoors for an extended period. Moving them in close quarters can push them to be destructive. Dogs also result to barking when under stress. Their stress can be a result of separation anxiety or missing out on exercise. Be sure to find the root of the problem once you start to have issues with their barking.

It's best to place your pets in a quiet neighborhood. The loud sounds and bustling of the city can affect their health. At the same time, they need open spaces to run, stretch their muscles, and get fresh air to balance their body temperature.

A household with pets runs differently from those without one. Adopting an animal is similar to having another human in the family. You must think of their needs and wants to adjust to yours. If you're going to keep everyone happy and healthy, you must organize and set boundaries for everyone.


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